Grand Opening

10:25 p.m., August 27, 2002

Right now I am...

FEELING: The current mood of at

EATING: nothing.

WEARING: Jeans and my ozzy shirt

HEARING: My loud ass computer fans

THINKING: I wish Suji would hurry and get here...


Where do you want to go?



Contact me!

guest book


The Pimps and Bitches Whorehouse would like to invite you all to the grand opening of our new subsidiary. We would like to introduce you all to the Pimps and Bitches Antisocial club. Actually we want you to get the hell out of here, we don't need you. Hell this is an antisocial club, what were we thinking?

Another day of school has gone by, passing me like a speeding bullet. My life still remains a little too empty of people. I try to talk to people, but nothing seems to come out. I went all day without meeting someone new. Luckily Lindsay called me tonight. We talked for quite a while actually. Hopefully I will get to meet her soon and stuff. Maybe she'll come to my party. So far it is Me, Andrew, Ericka, and Megan... I need more than that at my party.

Tomorrow I'm going to say fuck everything and sit next to the cutest girl I can find in my Lit class. I'm going to say, "Hi, I'm Chris" and if I get a good response I'm going to add "I don't know anyone in this class, so I was wondering if you would like to be my study buddy" If she says OK, I think I will throw up. I throw up when I get really nervous... Ask Mande that... Oh yea Mande, a name from my past, one whom I'm trying to forget and almost succeeding in doing.

I may like someone dearly one day and not the next day... With Mande it was like that off and on. Hopefully that won't happen with a few select people I'm hanging with right now. She knows who she is ... well whenever she gets Internet and reads this. I also wonder if a few select people like me, like me. Stranger things have happened. Hell once I finally find someone, my balls will be blown off by lightning. Only then I'll score ... actually I won't because I won't be able to...

If tomorrow doesn't go well at school. I'm going to scream FUCK and then sigh and kick a tree... Damn trees messing up my life. They get in the way of my cell phone signal and they house birds who poop on me and my car. They make scary shadows at night and make even scarier noises. Who needs trees anyway? Lets take a poll ... call 1-800-555-tree

press 1 if you like trees

press 2 if tree suck ass

press 3 if you are a tree

press 4 if you are a tree and want to be set of fire

press 5 if you got the wrong number

press 6 if you like trees that suck ass

press 7 if you climb trees that you think suck ass and hate

press 8 if you got beat up by a tree

press 9 if you are a tree hugging hippie who doesn't really care about trees, just the hippie music

press 0 if you are a dumbass

I'm going to bed I still hate the jackass who invented getting up early. WHAT A BASTARD. Later Ya'll... huh huh I said ya'll

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