Back in the junior high years...

10:07 p.m., October 09, 2002

Right now I am...

FEELING: The current mood of at

EATING: nothing.

WEARING: Jeans and my ozzy shirt

HEARING: My loud ass computer fans

THINKING: I wish Suji would hurry and get here...


Where do you want to go?



Contact me!

guest book


Remember back in the day, yes I mean really back in the day when school was easy? There was no reason to study because grades didn't really matter. Teachers were nice about distributing points over a lot of different assignments so fucking up wouldn't matter in the wrong run. Oh yes, back in the day...

Now you know how school sucks because you fuck up on a test you get it hard in the ass for the rest of the semester. You only get about four tests to demonstrate the little knowledge you learn in class. Who the fuck cares if I know that black women with college degrees make the same amount of money as white male who only have a high school diploma. I honestly don't care as a becoming psychologist. I'm not going to be working in the social issues department when I get "older" i am going to be a counselor. I won't be working with poor people because government health insurance sucks ass.

Speaking of health insurance, I still don't have any... My meds for some fucked up reason cost about $80 a month without insurance. I don't have that much money to spend on them. I rather keep $60 (the difference between the cost with insurance and without out) and buy crack. Maybe crack would make me feel just as good, but fuck the government because crack is illegal. Also I don't do crack nor do I ever want to. Crack is a bad drug, but it's a rather cheep drug ... cost wise. Then there is cocaine ... for all those people who think that black people do a lot of drugs you got it wrong... The majority of all drug users of any type are white. And most are middle-class and above... So drug use is a white problem, not a black problem like the movies make it out to be.

Speaking of movies. I bought Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. I want to watch it but on the bad it says that "and ultimately the killer," referring to you will find out who the killer of Laura Palmer is. That would defeat the purpose of buying the second season of Twin Peaks ... which is not going to be coming out this year, but hopefully next year. So I can either wait a long ass time to find out who did it, or I could watch the movie and spoil the series. Either choice sucks, but I figure I will choose the latter.

Speaking of choosing... Or something... I went to Lindsay's dorm last night. I bought her a star gazer... Yesterday was our two week anniversary. Sounds kinda lame? Not to me. Generally I don't like people or spending a long time with a single person. With Lindsay I could spend a hella long time with and not get frustrated or have the feeling of being overtaken. Sorry to all my other friends, I still love you all, I just can't hang for more than a certain amount of time.

I studied at Lindsay's dorm last night. I got all the definitions down for my Econ test tomorrow. Earlier today Jaime came over and we went through a few questions on the study guide for the test tomorrow. Andrew also came over and sat and ate while Jaime and I finished up what we were doing. After that Andrew and I went to play mini golf and air hockey. It was fun. We got home and ate our Wendy's order. He left, I wrote in my "real" journal after I took a shower. I then studied for a long time. I read about 30 pages of the printed articles for Econ and answered the questions. I better do better on this test than I did on the last one.

For the record... I don't like economics

Off the record... I like money though

For the record... I don't have that much money right now

Off the record... I still think I should sell drugs to get money

For the record... I will never sell drugs in my life ... again...

Off the record... I only sold extra stashes...

For the record... Lindsay is a wonderful person. (don't listen if she says otherwise)

Off the record... I'm going to explode if I keep studying tonight

For the record... I like sesame chicken

Off the record... Please send me real mail

For the record... Lindsay lets make sesame chicken Friday

Off the record... I need to buy some bottles of wine if I make sesame chicken

For the record... Andrew, Mike, Megan, Jaime, and sorry if I am forgetting people who live in town and read my diary... But you should all come and eat with us too.

Off the record... I will have to charge money because chicken isn't cheap and I'm poor... So please give me money if you want to come on Friday.

For the record... I'm done studying for tonight

Off the record... I'm going to bed ... shut up I know it is only 10:10, that's why it's off the record ... if it were on the record I would be in bed at like 12 or something.

I'm out of here tonight... I have to let the bull shit economic sink into my brain!

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