Click my hoes damnit

10:07 p.m., March 08, 2004

Right now I am...

FEELING: The current mood of at

EATING: nothing.

WEARING: Jeans and my ozzy shirt

HEARING: My loud ass computer fans

THINKING: I wish Suji would hurry and get here...


Where do you want to go?



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Yo yo yo! Chris is off the hook yo! If you want Chris to drop some new beats please send me SOME FUCKING MONEY SO I CAN GET DAVID BOWIE TICKETS, and if that happens to have past all ready, then I still could USE SOME MONEY FOR ANY OTHER CONCERT. Also, if there aren��t any concerts coming up, then money for porn and alcohol would be nice too. I do accept paypal��

So Sunday was one of the most worthless days I have had in a while. I did my laundry and ended up playing Lufia for most of the day�K not really getting anywhere in the game either�K I just raised levels well a few levels. If you know anything about Lufia, you know how long it takes to raise levels when you have 7 people in your party. And since the experience points are distributed it cuts down a lot on how much each person gets�K oh well.

Today I had my cognitive lab. We did eye tracking. I thought it was kinda cool since we got to use the eye tracking machine camera thing. One two people got to have their eyes tracked since it took a long time to do, and unfortunately I wasn��t one of them�K damn glasses. OH well, it still was kinda cool to watch. After lab I did data entry for my research stuff. It is pretty easy. I only have to use two fingers��

I got subway and a bagel today�K that is like $6.50 out of the $15 I get a week for food. Also I do accept money via paypal. Come on people send me money, don��t make me sell my self desperate chicks�K although I wish some girls I had crushes on were desperate to cuddle. I would be in bling bling town.

My new banner isn��t getting as much hits as I thought it would have�K Come on, hoes and Chris, gardening. Ha ha ha, it��s funny. If you see it, click it so it makes me feel like it is a cool banner!

Top three reasons why you should have a lot of porn pictures or MP3s on your computer�K

1. Virus scan takes a few hours to go through each file

2. It takes an ass long amount of time to open a directory and search its contents.

3. the final reason�K you have to look through all the ugly girls and bad songs to find something worth viewing.

Yep that was my top three for the first time I guess�K never done that before�K maybe I will do more of it.

I have a good ol S&P quiz tomorrow. Will I do well on it? Probably not since I don��t know much about the past stuff we went over. It is so damn boring sometimes that I can��t even pay attention. And remember what I said last time about attention? I am so poor I can��t pay attention.

I would give blood if I was able to�K damn skinniness and medications. You would think that since I am all skinny I wouldn��t have to take the highest dose of anti-depressant wouldn��t ya? Yea, fuck that.

For the record�K Send me money

Off the record�K Don��t make me lick carpet for money

For the record�K I want to cuddle with this one girl from this one party, but I am kinda nervous asking my friend if I can have her AIM name�K

Off the record�K No really I have dirty stains and coffee stains on my carpet, I don��t want to lick it

For the record�K Although I would cuddle with just about any girl right now

Off the record�K I can pretend that Johnny Deep is a girl right?

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