Today is not my day

11:24 p.m., August 18, 2004

Right now I am...

FEELING: The current mood of at

EATING: nothing.

WEARING: Jeans and my ozzy shirt

HEARING: My loud ass computer fans

THINKING: I wish Suji would hurry and get here...


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Ok� lets start with the morning� no wait last night. I couldn�t fall asleep for probably an hour of just laying in bed moving around trying to get cool, but stay covered up. That pissed me off quite a bit.

I get up ass early for me, and go to campus� the road to the health center is closed for repairs� so I have to park further away than what I was going to park. I walk to where I�m going. I met with Jenifer and a client of hers today and learned a little bit. Though I wasn�t too �there� to pick up on much.

I then walk to the health center to get my refill on my meds� so today is the 18th and my last refill was on the 16th of last month meaning I have missed about 5 days of pills this past time through. I don�t usually miss more than a day a month.

I get home and my dad comes home and makes me take the dog for a walk. Nope she didn�t use the bathroom for me which means that it was a waste of time for the walk for me. I didn�t want to take a walk with her since I just wanted to take a nap and what not.

I get home and start playing my game. My game was uneventful other than I killed a bunch of dragons and restocked my vendor with a bunch of shit items that I won�t even let mike use because they stuck so much. Hopefully some new person will buy them�

I signed up for this website message board thing for CSU students. Maybe I will find a chick to suck my dick. Or at least hang out with me�

So� I went to work. About 30 minutes after I got to work it started to rain� I mean it rained hard for Colorado� it lasted until about 9:00. While at work I was very restless. I couldn�t sit still and read. I didn�t want to talk to customers. I made mistakes� I �cashed� out a transaction instead of charging it. I should have done a void then ran a manual fuel charge� but oooppps I just charged the same amount as grocery. Then the powerball/loto machine got jammed and I had to open it up and take out the ticket. It was very annoying since it was busy at that point in time. Some dude came in bitching about how we never have hotdogs at like 7pm� I told him that they go away at 2 since they get gross� Then he bitched to his buddy about how he hates writing checks since his wife took his credit card. Then he complained that his bank only had like 75,000 in his business account. They pissed me off� Ok so it is 7� I started doing my shift work. SO it is now 8:50 and some dude is getting gas. I don�t really pay attention since I am counting. I hear the beep telling me the guy is done getting gas. I look up and the fucker drives away. I am pissed. So I start to close� The printer runs out of paper. I fill it up. The toner is out. I try to see if I can fix it and I cut the top of my finger really badly. Now I�m bleeding and can�t print the fucking repot. I have all the shit I need so I continue with my closing. I count the money and add everything up� We are $97 fucking short. I am about ready to cry and break stuff. I say fuck it and just finish everything up. Some guy comes banging on the door asking if he can fill up his car. I tell him no we are closed. And then he starts asking questions like since when, when do you close, blah blah blah. So I leave and go home. Now I�m here I�m pissy. I don�t think I can sleep right now being angry. I can�t masturbate since I am angry. Angry masturbation isn�t health nor does it feel good.

I have work to look forward to tomorrow also� Maybe I will be fired for being shot $97 or maybe I will be robbed tomorrow and shot. Fuck maybe I will win Powerball and buy and sell all those bitches I hate. Well fuck� This day overshadows the good stuff� or something that happened this week. I can�t remember the good stuff�

For the record� Fuck my day sucks

Off the record� I really don�t get this pissy usually

For the record� School starts on Monday

Off the record� I hope school goes well�

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