My 22nd birthday:-P

11:39 a.m., September 10, 2004

Right now I am...

FEELING: The current mood of at

EATING: nothing.

WEARING: Jeans and my ozzy shirt

HEARING: My loud ass computer fans

THINKING: I wish Suji would hurry and get here...


Where do you want to go?



Contact me!

guest book


Here I sit at work writing my entry on my PDA that I got for my birthday. Speaking of my birthday I would like to thank anyone who actually remembered it. Meaning probably about a third of the people I know remembered. Am I upset? Well yea.

So what did I do for my birthday? I played UO with mike the whole weekend during the time I didn't work. I was going to go out with Sara but she never called me back since last Wednesday. I called her a few times, which I found out from a few other girls is something I shouldn�t do. So I guess she isn�t interested in being my friend anymore. I also asked Kellie to hang out Friday or Saturday, but Friday said she was too tired and was going to stay in. Then Saturday she said she had to go to Denver. So that's two people out for the weekend. Dorothy went to Colorado Springs. I just gave up on calling anyone besides Mike.

So on Saturday I picked Mike up after I got off work. We went and got drinks, and pizza. When we got to my house we made the pizza. Afterwards we played UO for a long ass time. We did the champ spawn and got some power scrolls. We probably went to bed at 11 or 12. I had to go to work on Sunday. Sunday was a real shitty day working. The pipes were flooding and the store smelled like crap. We were supposed to scoop the water out of the drains as it started to come up, but fuck that. There is no way I am going to get shit smelling water out with a cup. Along with that Sara didn�t return my calls.

Well after work I went home and played UO with Mike until My sister showed up. She, her boyfriend, Mike and I went out to Applebee�s for dinner. I had chicken and steak. I also had two long island ice teas. It got me really buzzed. Afterwards we went to my house and Brandon made us more long island ice teas. Mike drank both of his really fast and was too fucking drunk to walk up the stairs. I had a total of 3 12 long island ice teas, and 2 beers. I wasn�t sick at all.

Mike had to go to bed since he was falling asleep in the bathroom.

Monday we got up and played UO most of the day. Around 4 I think we went to Coldstone for ice-cream. We met a few people from the CSU message boards. I cannot name who was there, except, James, the site admin, Kellie, a guy named Dan, and a girl named Caroline. We had a good time even though I don't like ice-cream much. Afterwards, you guessed it, Mike and played UO. I finally took him home around 9.

Tuesday I had to work. Same shit there.

Wednesday I woke up to the memory that I had a paper that had to be written in 2 hours. Also Caroline sent me an IM but she left before I got it. It took me a while that it was her. So... My essay is a working draft of crap. I need to rewrite it, but I don�t have the time right now... Well I do right now but I don't have the file on here yet.

So Wednesday was a crap day. I was tired from getting up early to write. I got done at 10 and left for school at 10:15. I got to school and spent 45 minutes checking each parking lot for spots. At 11 I found one. I then went to the student center to get food but there were too many people in line. I went outside to help Jen with the SMP booth but it was too slow so she didn't need me. So I went back to get lunch. I had to eat Carl's Jr. It costs too much. So after all that I had about an hour and a half to blow until I had CO300. Lame

In CO300 we did peer editing. There was little point since my paper wasn�t good. It seemed as if it was a waste of time. Still grumpy I decided to skip my psychology class and go home. I went home and got on UO to help mike with the champ spawn. We finally got the champ, but Cole had to reset the server. When he finished we went back to finish the champ, but he was gone. Pissed us off. So I got off to clean. Shiloh said she'd give me a show when I was done. Well I�m done babe.

So I'm done with work now and I finally got this onto my computer. I was thrilled as fuck to finally get home. I got home and Mike and I did a champ spawn, just the two of us. It wasn�t that hard for us so we will be doing it more often so we can get power scrolls. Eventually we will dominate the server.

I don�t remember what I really wrote nor do I feel like going back and reading it now�

Wednesday night I went to CB & Potts for dinner with the people from the CSU forums. It was a lot of fun. I met a lot of people. I would love to go do that again sometime. I want to hang out with someone tonight since I don�t really have anything to. I�ll probably give a few people a call when I get home from school. I need to put a few numbers in my phone and take a few out. Mainly� Brandi, Sara, and Erin.

I see Erin online and is back at school, but neither of us has messaged each other. I think I will give it a week before I actually do.

I can�t wait until I am out of school� well CSU because I just want out. I'm tired, and kinda sad. But the sadness won�t go away until I am done. Oh well. I understand that so I just have to make the best of this situation.

Well I am going to go to CO300 so I can get my essay ripped apart.

For the record� No one signed my lips with a kiss for my birthday

Off the record� I only got a hung from Caroline� not that I'm complaining about that

For the record� My work pisses me off sometimes

Off the record� I think work pisses off everyone

For the record� I need to buy my gold membership next week.

Off the record� Later

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