Florida... Shiloh and Farrah...

5:07 p.m., May 30, 2004

Right now I am...

FEELING: The current mood of centaurlord@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

EATING: nothing.

WEARING: Jeans and my ozzy shirt

HEARING: My loud ass computer fans

THINKING: I wish Suji would hurry and get here...


Where do you want to go?



Contact me!

guest book


I'm not dead. I'm in Florida, which is really hot. Right now i am just in Andrew's room writing this, while everyone else plays some game. I didn't want to play the game, i might just read after this entry. We went to the zoo in Tampa yesterday, I had fun. I took lots of pictures there:). Hmm... what else... Well i met Farrah, she's really really nice. Finally after all these years we got to meet and hug.

But before that, i met my TN friend, Shiloh. You know the girl i can't stop thinking about and talking to? Well, we werne't able to stay at her house like planned, but we got a hotel room. We went to Walmart and just hung out at the hotel room. We made Mike leave the room twice for some hot sex. Without going in to many details... i think the whole hotel heard us. *blushes*. we talked and had fun.

Shiloh is moving to colorado in a week. She is following us on the way back home. I hope that this will be good for her. How do i feel about it? Well... I do not have a job yet, but i will work very hard to find one before school starts again. I think i will enjoy living with her. As for the future, i have to wait until the summer is over to know what i really want to do. Things aren't ready for me to fall into place. I think Shiloh knows that too. First of all she needs to establish a new home, so what ever happens between us is the least of her concerns, well i hope it isn't a clouding situation. It is time for her to be selfish, as well as a time for me to think of only my needs. Needs being, school, job, living situation, and just learning how to be less dependent on the parential units for providing food, and what not. As for Mike moving in too, we don't know until he gets a job either. It is all about the jobs that we passed up... fucking jobs. If this vacation didn'thappen we would both have jobs. But i know i would have missed too much. This trip was worth seeing Shiloh and Farrah. And if it wasn't for this trip Shiloh wouldn't be moving to Ft. Collins. If it wasn't for this trip i wouldn't have a sunburn on my head. If it wasn't for this trip then i would have wasted just as much time doing nothing that i am now.

Privately i think about my future a lot. I try not to talk about it too much in the open. I'm not talking about the stuff like school and work, i think about the more impotrant things. Usually i don't remember the things and just drift to something else. Lately my thoughts, other than the future, have been about Shiloh, school, what i want to put on my walls, just thoughts, nothing really big.

I want to go back home, this florida part of the vacation isn't working the way i thought it was. Well Mike isn't working... I wanted to go to the beach, universial studios, and stuff like that. He's been staying up playing video games, watching anime, then sleeping really late. I know it is his vacation but still, we can play games and watch anime at home.

well we are going to watch some anime porn...

For the record... it is hot as fuck

Off the record... i got fucked really hot

For the record... The hotel is probably unhappey for the hotness of the fucking

Off the record... Shiloh please don't kill me... but i do need a spanking;)

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