I found my princess

10:01 p.m., September 24, 2002

Right now I am...

FEELING: The current mood of centaurlord@yahoo.com at www.imood.com

EATING: nothing.

WEARING: Jeans and my ozzy shirt

HEARING: My loud ass computer fans

THINKING: I wish Suji would hurry and get here...


Where do you want to go?



Contact me!

guest book


BLING BLING. I know how to sing. Listen so I can make your head ring. Ding Ding Ding. First round begins I'm coming out throwing down. Then I'm going to town. And you're going in the ground.

Wow, that was totally random, but whatever...

Sunday ... too long ago to care about... I went to Lindsay's dorm that night and she drew my pictures for my speech. anyway...

OK here comes Monday flying in from a great weekend. Fuck Mondays? not this Monday!

Went to my lit class ... had a test ... probably fucked up on the test ... who cares.

Went to speech class... Had a speech ... probably fucked up on the speech ... who cares.

Went to psych. Sat there. yea OK. waste of my time. Stupid school sometimes...

Got home, talked to Lindsay a little, we decided on a time to make cookies... Yea cookies... So I went out a bought a yellow rose for her. I hope she liked it... We then made cookies at my house. OK after the cookies were done. (some too done, but they are damn good anyway). we started a movie ... we only watched 20 minutes before going to Target...

OK... Target... a vase ... what do we almost forget to get? the vase... We shopped for over one hour and after a ton of stuff ... and both bills being in the over $60 range ... we finally left.

I got Spongebob Squarepants pj bottoms. I also got Spongebob boxers...

OK so we finally make it home ... you got to love impulse shopping. So we start the movie again ... the count of Monte Cristo. Fuck Lynn, I don't remember the first half because of her, and then Lindsay made me not remember the second half. so...

At about 2:30 we talked. And we went all over the map. But we talked about a relationship. We got one now:) I GOT A GIRLFRIEND. I GOT A GIRLFRIEND. Eat that Don Fisher and Charles Raggen. (I just made those names up, so if you really do know them ... tell them "eat that").

So the morning comes around. I get up and go to the bathroom... My Mom gave the worst look I have ever seen. "Oh shit" i thought... SO i just went right back to my room and cuddled with Lindsay some more... Anyway... I finished my survey for my psych class then called Andrew to take the survey... It's 9 in the morning ... the world is supposed to be up. he wasn't too happy to take the survey, but I had good news to tell him also. I GOT A GIRLFRIEND.

OK, so we both get up and get ready to leave for class... I wore my Spongebob pjs. 6 people commented on them:)

I bought Erin and Farrah their birthday presents today ... they will be mailed out in the next day or so.

OK ... so I cleaned my room to hopefully make it so my Mom wasn't going to tear me a new asshole. But she didn't say much ... she just pretty much said that "guests are supposed to sleep in the guest room." Well, they are when my parents aren't home, or if I go somewhere else.

SO after my room is 90% clean I tried to read the Mahabharata ... not going so well... Lindsay, one page later, Lindsay. I can't study when I'm happy. Think bad thoughts think bad thoughts ... burning buildings, burning buildings ... that isn't making me not happy ... oh well I will be happy and get a bad grade to level out. Unless... I am innately smart in Asian Civ.

So this is going to conclude my awesome weekend and Monday and Tuesday.

The Pimps and Bitches Whore house would like to announce that we are going to be closing the Bitchmaster needs a girl committee. And in place of that we would like to invite you to the first ever Bitchmaster has a cute rad ass girlfriend celebration.

For the record... Lindsay is my girlfriend

Off the record... I'm not drunk and haven't been for a week

For the record... Party on the 5th.

Off the record... Party on the 5th

For the record... Lindsay is cute

Off the record... *wink* *wink*

For the record... I'm happy

Off the record... I'm starting a revolution

For the record... I like my Spongebob PJs.

Off the record... POOP

This parachute will hopefully open, or I guess I will wake up if I hit...

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