Machetes, Tanks, Batman, Fire, Rabbits, and Talking Roses- All you need to make a pie

1:41 a.m., November 09, 2002

Right now I am...

FEELING: The current mood of at

EATING: nothing.

WEARING: Jeans and my ozzy shirt

HEARING: My loud ass computer fans

THINKING: I wish Suji would hurry and get here...


Where do you want to go?



Contact me!

guest book


Here's a recap of this bullshit week...

Friday I don't remember Friday

Saturday I think I cleaned my room

Sunday studied Econ all day.

Monday worked and studied Econ

Tuesday took the gay Econ test

Wednesday studied Asian civ and worked

Thursday took the gay Asian civ test and wrote my speech

Friday gave my damn speech.

Tap tap ... what's that, I wonder... Oh yea it's the stuff on my mind!

The government is pretty good at giving blow jobs. Soon they will progress into fucking everyone in the ass. I hope my ass will be saved by moving to Canada. Fuck the republican party or should I just shorten it to say the KLAN party. You know those racist, sexist and religionist bastards. I wish I could wear pillow cases on my head and dance around like a dumb ass. I also wish I could get off by taking the rights away from women and low income families.

I must some kind of medical disorder... Everytime I try to say something, shit flies out my mouth. I really don't mean to hurt anyone when I say something, but things come out wrong. I don't think before I talk so I say a lot of things that pisses people off when after I have said it I know it was the wrong thing to say. Maybe I should go back to not saying anything like I use to. Then also maybe I should just move to Venus even though I don't want to. there no one could hear me due to the atmosphere.

I hate speech. Like I said above, I don't talk right. I slur my words quite often and I just hate talking in front of a lot of people. I wish I could just not have to take speech. I wish I would never have to talk to a lot of people ever again. I hope I did B work or I will be fucked in that class. I need a B!

The rest of school can lick my balls ... that is if I did poorly on the tests... If by any chance I did well then give me a pat on the back. Hey Pat, give me a pat on the back!

I got a new phone. It is a Sprint PCs Vision. It is awesome. It is color, and the phone is small, and it actually stays on! So now I will have to inform all the people of my new number in one massive e-mail.

I think I am becoming addicted to an illegal activity. Why, because works sucks and it is easy to do since I can fix it. I am going to try to go one week without engaging in this behavior.

My head has been hurting again. Maybe I have a brain tumor. That would kinda be cool since it means my brain has gotten bigger. But that would be bad because I could die from a brain tumor. I want to die in a big collision with a big giant space rock the size and shape of a cow.

I really want to get real mail in the mail. I don't get that much stuff. No one sends me anything, and I don't really send anything either. But I think I should start sometime. But please send me stuff. I need to get stuff to brighten up my days.

For the record... I got a new phone

Off the record... I got a new and improved idea about how to take over the government

For the record... I like David Bowie's music

Off the record... I want to "buy" a gamecube for Andrew

For the record... I have an essay that is due on Wednesday

Off the record... I love the fishes because they are so delicious

For the record... I don't have any money right now

Off the record... I Spongebob Squarepants is my cousin

For the record... I have the greatest girlfriend in the world

Off the record... I have the greatest girlfriend in the world


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